Our Beliefs

Bridges is a new church that is rooted in historic Christianity.  We are a member of the Presbyterian Church in America — a denomination committed to the Scriptures and the historic Westminster Standards. In obedience to the Great Commission Jesus gave his followers in Matthew 28, Bridges longs to share the Good News of what God has done for us in and through the person of Jesus, because we believe that life is found only in the person of Jesus, who said of himself, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” (John 14:6).

If you’re not familiar with the Westminster Confession of Faith, some highlights are:

God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Before the world or the Bible existed, God existed as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The three eternal persons are one God, each worthy of our worship.

The Bible is True

We can only know God’s purpose and plan to restore us because of the Bible. The Bible is true because the One who gave it to us is true.

God Restores Sinners

God sent his son Jesus so people like us, lost sinners, could be restored to Him. Restoration is not a do-it-yourself project. Instead, God does all the work. This is good but humbling news we always need reminding of!

The Church is where God Restores Us

We believe the church is God’s chosen means of saving the world.  It is God’s workshop, where he uses tools like prayer, friendship, preaching the gospel of Jesus, and sacraments to mold us into his likeness.

Everything Matters

Relationships, work, art, money — God is concerned with all of his creation, and that includes every square inch of your life.  God doesn’t just care about what we do on Sunday. He’s restoring and renewing every aspect of our lives.

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